



Server Rules

  Правила сервера на русском языке!

Attention: Neither levels, nor resets, nor any other of yours merit does not exempt you from following these rules to one degree or another. Even if you are the first player in TOP or helped the server in any way, you are still required to comply with these rules and additions to them. All players are on equal terms, and in case of violation of server rules, everyone will be held responsible, regardless of who they are and what they have achieved in the game. Each player is responsible for his own account.

Server regulations:

1) All registered users of the MU Genesis server must agree with each paragraph of these rules. Disagreement with at least one point of these rules prohibits you from using the site and forum, as well as living in the world of MU Genesis.

2) All accounts, characters, game items, and actions performed (gameplay) are the exclusive property of the server, are protected by copyright and constitute intellectual property.

3) It is prohibited to buy and sell anything for real money and virtual currency equivalent to real money, as well as any option for exchanging and selling characters for real money. The punishment will be a warning or immediate blocking of all accounts of the seller and buyer.

4) The administration provides a lifetime guarantee of the safety of your accounts, characters and their achievements. You can study the rules and procedure for returning lost items here.

5) Purchasing valuable items from other players is permitted at your own risk. The administration guarantees the complete safety of only those items and services that you purchased in our store on the website.

6) The server administration does not tolerate perjury and slander on the part of players. For perjury or slander, a player may receive a reprimand or immediately block his main accounts and be banned from the forum.

7) You can report all violations and violators here.

Any decision of the server administration is fair and lawful.

1. Relations with the administration:

1.1. Disrespect towards the server staff and the server itself is prohibited.

Punishment: Account block for 7 days.

1.2. Threats against the server staff and the server itself are prohibited.

Punishment: Account block for 7 days.

2. Using programs:

2.1. The use of macros and any type of programs to automate the process in order to receive bonuses, achievement points and other personal gain is prohibited.

Punishment: Account block for a period of 7 days to lifetime blocking.

2.2. The use of Speedhack, Hithack and other especially dangerous cheating programs is prohibited.

Punishment: Account + IP blocking for a period of 30 days to lifetime blocking.

Note: Having noticed strange behavior of a character in the game, we have the right to ask to contact administration representatives and demand that the PC be checked for rules-violating programs.
If within 5 minutes after the request, the player and did not contact a representative of the administration, we have the right to issue a permanent ban pending additional checks of the account.
By voluntarily surrendering the prohibited program you are using, you can mitigate your punishment.

3. Using server errors:

3.1. The use of server errors (bugs) is prohibited. Errors mean any actions not provided for by the gameplay and aimed at obtaining personal gain.

It is prohibited to use various programs to hack the game and change game files for personal gain.

Explanation: In the game client files, to improve computer performance, it is allowed to remove partially or completely certain animations, objects, effects, or items, but it is prohibited to modify them to gain an advantage in battle. It is prohibited to modify interface elements that may provide an advantage in battle. Improving computer performance does not count is an advantage in battle.

Punishment: Account block for a period of 7 days to lifetime blocking.

Note: the list of named bugs also includes the use of the alt+f4 key combination, switch for personal gain (most often done so that you cannot be killed or in order not to run far , if killed) and passing through characters using Horn of Uniria or into illegal locations.

Note 2: To submit a topic according to this rule, a video is required that clearly shows the use of a cheat or switch. Screenshots will be rejected.

3.2. If you find an error, immediately report it to the server administration.

4. Gameplay:

4.1. Inciting ethnic hatred between players.

Punishment: Block of all chats of the account, or block of the account for 7 days .

Note: Punishment includes insults of the following type: narrow-eyed, rice eater, dog, kebab and similar ones intended to insult on a national or racial basis.

4.2. Humiliation of players and use of obscene language or flooding (posting the same message more than 3 times within a short period of time).

Punishment: Block all chats of the account, or block the account for 24 hours .

Note: insults of the level - fool, noob, cancer, teapot, zero, balabol and the like will be punished by blocking the chat for 3 hours.

4.3. Any mention of relatives and friends in verbal skirmishes, in any context, and interpretation is prohibited.

Punishment: Blocking all account chats for 3 days.

4.4.Advertising other game servers

Punishment: Account+IP block for 30 days.

4.5. It is forbidden to interfere with the game master during events.

Punishment: Account block for 1 hour.

4.6. Humiliation and insult to family and friends are prohibited.

Punishment: Account block for 7 days.

4.7.Threats in real life are prohibited.

Punishment: Account block for 7 days.

4.8. It is prohibited to continue breaking the rules with other characters if your main character has already received a chat block.

Punishment: Account block (main and violator) for 3 days.

4.9. It is prohibited to be inactive at a Team Deathmatch event, and dishonest ways of getting points (giveaways, agreements, playing in 2 game windows, etc.) are also prohibited.

Punishment: Account block for 1 day.

Note: Inactivity can be considered: a continuously static position of the character. Go back and forth a couple of steps. Using the clicker in AFK mode. Any of these moments must be clearly visible on video within 30 seconds.

4.10. During Castle Siege, the head of an alliance or guild is prohibited from playing on a switch (taking a switch), as well as having players from different clans (not members of the alliance) in the same Party.

Punishment: Account block for 14 days.

4.11. Any fraud that artificially changes the guilds siege buff is prohibited.

Punishment: Account block for 7 days each guild member who took part in fraud.

4.12. It is prohibited to use the Alt+F4 button combination in Kalima maps, or other methods of closing the window if you were attacked by another character and the self-defense mode was triggered.

Note: When a character disappears, the attacker must write him a private message so that the video shows that the system message “No users” appears (the person has gone offline).

Note 2: A ban will be applied if the account is disconnected and comes back online within one hour after disconnection.

Punishment: Account block for 7 days.

4.13. For failure to fulfill your part of the deal in the “contractual transactions” section.

Punishment: Permanent block (main and account with things/currency of the victim ).

Note: You can exit the block after 21 days in case of returning items to the injured party and fulfillment of all terms of the contractual transaction.

4.14. It is prohibited for more than one person to have access to mail from an account. If two or more players have access to mail, the account will be blocked until only one person has access to mail.

Punishment: Account block until the problem is resolved.

4.15. It is prohibited to create characters with names that use obscenities or offensive words.

Note: Applications under this rule will only be accepted if there is a nickname in the screenshot from the game.

Punishment: Account block until the problem is resolved.

4.16. It is prohibited to create characters with names identical or similar to those currently used by administrators or senators.

Punishment: Account block until the problem is resolved.

4.17. Cheating bonuses and accumulating bonuses by voting and receiving achievements from many (3 or more) accounts. The principle works: one person - one vote.

Note: Considering that players sometimes play for two accounts at the same time, he has the right to vote and receive achievements for both accounts.
The administration can check the second account to see if it is active. If all activity is voting once a day, or receiving certain achievements, then such an account can be considered as an account for cheating.

Punishment: Account block until the problem is resolved.

4.18. Malicious harm to the interests of the server and its players.

Example: You deliberately and regularly provoke other players to violate server rules, and then create requests for them to go to prison, with the goal of putting them in prison.

Note: This rule will be applied as a last resort if requests to moderate your ardor are not heard. The first time a warning is issued, then punishment to the fullest extent follows. When applying under this rule, you must provide evidence of multiple violations of our rules.

Example 2: You deceive other players, make transactions with them outside the legal framework of contractual and guarantee transactions.

Note 2: A warning is issued for the first time, followed by punishment to the fullest extent.

Example 3: You deliberately and regularly provoke, insult, humiliate players, creating an unfriendly atmosphere on the server.

Punishment: Account block for 7 days.

4.19. Faking screenshots and thereby trying to mislead the server administration.

Punishment: Account block for 30 days.

4.20. To prevent questionable and unsafe transactions, upon receipt of complaints or during random checks, we have the right to request detailed information on any transaction that was made either through the game or the site, or externally. his. The purpose of this is to combat the black market, as well as protect players from fraud.

Punishment: Blocking of things, characters, accounts or their temporary or permanent withdrawal until clarification all details.

4.21. The use of fake guilds on Castle Siege is prohibited. A dummy guild is created specifically to participate in Castle Siege in order to interfere with one of the parties and influence the outcome of the siege. The fake guild consists of "toon" characters, not the main characters, who belong to members of the clan participating in the siege.

Punishment: Blocking accounts of owners of fake characters for 14 days.

4.22. The use of freezing and defrosting is prohibited oran alliance (guild) that does not have a single switch under control.

Punishment: Account block for 14 days.

4.23. Any explicit agreements between guilds participating in the Siege (not counting alliances) at the first CS are prohibited.

Note: The decision will be made by examining the evidence provided.

Punishment: Ownership of the castle passes to the injured party.

4.24. Stream sniping is prohibited - targeted harassment of a player broadcasting or disruption of events held during the broadcast.

Punishment: Account block for 3 days.

4.25. Bullying is prohibited. Namely, regular verbal humiliation, insults and bullying of one player over another.

Note: Regular bullying means that the verbal attacks occurred on at least two different days. To create a topic according to this rule, you must provide screenshots with violations within 2 calendar days.

Punishment: Blocking all account chats for 3 days.

Additional information:

You can view the reason for the ban in discord using the link:

Penalties increase depending on the number of violations for a specific item.

Example: length of punishment * by the number of punishments.

There are situations in which game masters make decisions based not on rules, but on norms of communication and behavior.

The administrator can add additional ban time at his discretion.

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Currently this is only one server.